Still in their primes. How lucky are we...this is our generation!
Luckily, these guys found what they were both great at doing. Imagine if JHova never pursued hip-hop and tried to play hoops instead of rap? It would've been a hard knock life. And imagine if Kobe tried his hand at hip-hop? How foolish would that have been??? Oh wait...
Our neighborhood friend, Josh Shipp, had this sick block last week during a home game. Then yesterday, new Laker Shannon Brown had this crazy crazy crazy block from behind.
Which brings me to this thought: City of L.A. Hoopsters GOT BOOSTIES!
Adam AMMO Morrison is a baller. This dude will make his impact with the Lakers. It may not be this year, he is still recovering from ACL surgery and those injuries take about a year to get over, but at some point he will make his mark. He's got a wet jumper and a high basketball I.Q. (Radman was a classic bonehead).